Topology ========= The classes of this submodule are all instances of the same base class used to define the migration paths in the :class:`PyGMO.archipelago`. When a new :class:`PyGMO.island` is pushed back into the :class:`PyGMO.archipelago` the various connections are rewired as to respect the topological properties defined by these classes. The user will mainly use these classes in the following way: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * prob = problem.lennard_jones(5) algo = algorithm.bee_colony(gen = 10) #instantiates artificial bee colony setting 10 generations for each algorithmic call topo = topology.ring() #defines an empty ring topology archi = archipelago(algo,prob,8,20,topology=topo) #connects 8 islands in a ring topology archi.topology.draw() #requires networkx to be installed Migration Probability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When defining the migration paths (edges of the DAG in the topology), one of the parameters is the migration probability, by default equal to 1. It is possible to change it globally for all edges: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.fully_connected(5) # Defines a 5-vertex ring topology topo.set_weight(0.5) # Changing the migration probability to 0.5 for all edges specify a custom migration probability for all out-going edges of a node: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.fully_connected(3) # Defines a 5-vertex ring topology topo.set_weight(0.5) # Change the migration probability to 0.5 for all edges topo.set_weight(0, 0.1) # Probability 0.1 for all out-going edges from island 0 topo.set_weight(2, 0.0) # Probability 0.0 for all out-going edges from island 2 (effectively invalidating the migration path) .. image:: ../images/topos/topo_prob_fully_connected.png :width: 220px or specify a custom migration probability for individual edges: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.one_way_ring(5) # Defines a 5-vertex ring topology topo.set_weight(1, 2, 0.5) # Changing the migration probability to 0.5 for edge 1 -> 2 topo.set_weight(2, 3, 0.2) # Changing the migration probability to 0.2 for edge 2 -> 3 topo.set_weight(3, 4, 0.1) # Changing the migration probability to 0.1 for edge 3 -> 4 topo.set_weight(4, 0, 0.05) # Changing the migration probability to 0.05 for edge 4 -> 0 .. image:: ../images/topos/topo_prob_one_way_ring.png :width: 220px The Classes ----------- .. class:: PyGMO.topology.base() Methods of the topology base class, shared by all topology objects. .. method:: PyGMO.topology.base.set_weight((float)w) Sets the weight for each edge in the topology. .. method:: PyGMO.topology.base.set_weight((int)id, (float)w) Sets the weight for each edge outgoing from the vertex id .. method:: PyGMO.topology.base.set_weight((int)id1, (int)id2, (float)w) Sets the weight for the edge between the vertices id1 and id2 .. class:: PyGMO.topology.unconnected() Unconnected topology (this corresponds to do parallel independent runs of the algorithms) .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.unconnected.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.unconnected.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/unconnected.png The above image is produced by the code: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.unconnected(nodes=100) topo.draw(layout='spring', n_size=15, e_arrows=False) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.ring() Ring topology (links go in both directions) .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.ring.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.ring.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/ring.png The above image is produced by the code: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.ring(nodes=30) topo.draw(layout='circular', n_size=30, e_arrows=True, e_alpha=0.5) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.one_way_ring() Ring topology (links go only in one direction) .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.one_way_ring.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.one_way_ring.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/one_way_ring.png The above image is produced by the code: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.one_way_ring(nodes=30) topo.draw(layout='circular', n_size=30, e_arrows=True, e_alpha=0.5) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.fully_connected() Fully connected topology (i.e. all islands are connected bi-directionally) .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.fully_connected.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.fully_connected.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/fully_connected.png The above image is produced by the code: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.fully_connected(nodes=30) topo.draw(layout='circular', n_size=30, e_arrows=True, e_alpha=0.1) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.pan Islands are connected in a ring, except the island with id 0 that is connected to the ring only receiving migrants. This topology was first conceived to have global optimization happening on the outer ring while using a local optimizer in the island 0 to refine the solution (also seen as a memetic approach) .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.pan.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.pan.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/pan.png .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.pan(nodes=10) topo.draw(layout='spring', n_size=30, e_arrows = True) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.rim Islands are connected in a ring and they all are also connected to the No.0 island. .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.rim.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.rim.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/rim.png .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.rim(nodes=90) topo.draw(layout='circular', n_size=30) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.hypercube() Hypercube topology .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.hypercube.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.hypercube.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/hypercube.png .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.hypercube(nodes=32) topo.draw(layout='spring', n_size=90) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.watts_strogatz The Watts-Strogatz topology is a ring lattice network in which forward edges are rewired with random probability. Such a network has small-world properties, including short average path lengths and high clustering. When the push_back method is used all the connections are rewired (all links are bidirectional). `Watts-Strogatz topology in wikipedia `_ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.watts_strogatz.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.watts_strogatz.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/watts_strogatz.png The above image is produced by the code: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.watts_strogatz(nodes=100, p=0.1) topo.draw(layout='circular', n_size=3, scale_by_degree=True) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.erdos_renyi A random graph (all links are bidirectional) .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.erdos_renyi.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.erdos_renyi.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/random.png The above image is produced by the code: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.erdos_renyi(nodes=100, p=0.03) topo.draw(layout='spring', n_size=5, scale_by_degree=True) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.barabasi_albert Topology based on the Barabási-Albert (BA) model. (all links are bidirectional) The network is grown in two phases: * The first m0 elements added to the network constitute a kernel of nodes connected to each other with high probability; * After the kernel is built, the next elements added to the network are connected randomly to m of the existing nodes; the probability of connection is biased linearly towards the most connected nodes. .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.barabasi_albert.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.barabasi_albert.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/ba.png The above image is produced by the code: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.barabasi_albert(m0=3, m=3, nodes=1000) topo.draw(layout='spring', n_size=1, scale_by_degree=True,e_alpha=0.03) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.clustered_ba Topology based on the Clustered Barabási-Albert (BA) model. (all links are bidirectional) The network is grown in two phases: * The first m0 elements added to the network constitute a kernel of nodes connected to each other with high probability; * After the kernel is built, the next elements added to the network are connected randomly to m of the existing nodes; the probability of connection is biased linearly towards the most connected nodes. *A link is established also between the m nodes with probability p* .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.clustered_ba.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.clustered_ba.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/clustered_ba.png The above image is produced by the code: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.clustered_ba(m0=3, m=3, p=0.5,nodes=1000) topo.draw(layout='spring', n_size=1, scale_by_degree=True,e_alpha=0.03) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.ageing_clustered_ba Topology based on the Ageing Clustered Barabási-Albert (BA) model. (all links are bidirectional) The network is grown in two phases: * The first m0 elements added to the network constitute a kernel of nodes connected to each other with high probability; * After the kernel is built, the next elements added to the network are connected randomly to m of the existing nodes *not older than a*; the probability of connection is biased linearly towards the most connected nodes. A link is established also between the m nodes with probability p .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.ageing_clustered_ba.__init__ .. automethod:: PyGMO.topology.ageing_clustered_ba.draw() .. image:: ../images/topos/ageing_clustered_ba.png The above image is produced by the code: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * topo = topology.ageing_clustered_ba(m0=3, m=3, p=0.5,a=150,nodes=1000) topo.draw(layout='spring', n_size=1, scale_by_degree=True,e_alpha=0.03) .. class:: PyGMO.topology.custom() A custom topology. Allows for the construction of any topology via its unique methods. .. method:: PyGMO.topology.custom.push_back() Adds a vertex .. method:: PyGMO.topology.custom.add_edge((int)id1, (int)id2, (float)w) Adds a directed adge from vertex id1 to vertex id2, with an optional weight 'w' between id1 and id2 (by default 1.0) .. method:: PyGMO.topology.custom.remove_edge((int)id1, (int)id2) Removes the directed adge from vertex id1 to vertex id2 .. method:: PyGMO.topology.custom.remove_all_edges() Removes all_edges .. method:: PyGMO.topology.custom.draw() Uses Python networx module to draw the topology in a graphic window Example: .. code-block:: python from PyGMO import * prob = problem.lennard_jones(5) algo = = 10) #instantiates artificial bee colony with default params and 10 generations topo = topology.custom() #builds a custom topology for i in range(30): topo.push_back() #Now we have an unconnected topology of 30 vertices topo.add_edge(1,2) .... topo.add_edge(22,0) archi = archipelago(algo,prob,30,20) #constructs an archipelago (we cannot assign here directly topo #to the kwarg topology as the archipelago constructor only takes empty topologies archi.topology = topo #sets the topology to the customly constructed one archi.topology.draw() #Draws the topology (this requires networkx to be installed)