import DcgpModule from '../../dcgp'
* @private
* @typedef {function} stackSave
* @returns {number} The current top of the memory stack.
* @private
* @typedef {function} stackAlloc
* @param {number} bytes The number of bytes to allocate on the stack.
* @returns {number} Pointer to the allocated memory adress.
* @private
* @typedef {function} stackRestore
* @param {number} pointer The point of the memory stack to which to restore the stack.
* @private
* @typedef {object} Instance
* @property {object} exports Exported C++ binding functions.
* @property {stackSave} exports.stackSave The current top of the memory stack.
* @property {stackAlloc} exports.stackAlloc Allocates the specified amount of bytes.
* @property {stackRestore} exports.stackRestore Restores the memory stack to the provided point.
* @property {object} memory Shared memory representations.
* @property {Int8Array} memory.S8 Signed 8 bit memory representation.
* @property {Int16Array} memory.S16 Signed 16 bit memory representation.
* @property {Int32Array} memory.S32 Signed 32 bit memory representation.
* @property {Uint8Array} memory.U8 Unsigned 8 bit memory representation.
* @property {Uint16Array} memory.U16 Unsigned 16 bit memory representation.
* @property {Uint32Array} memory.U32 Unsigned 32 bit memory representation.
* @property {Float32Array} memory.F32 Floating point 32 bit memory representation.
* @property {Float64Array} memory.F64 Double floating point 64 bit memory representation.
* @type {Instance}
* @private
let privateGlobalInstance
* @private
* @returns {Instance}
* @throws dcgp.js is not initialised.
export const getInstance = () => {
if (privateGlobalInstance) {
return privateGlobalInstance
throw new Error('dcgp is not initialised. initialise must be called first.')
function getTypedMemory(dcgpModule) {
return {
S8: dcgpModule.HEAP8,
S16: dcgpModule.HEAP16,
S32: dcgpModule.HEAP32,
U8: dcgpModule.HEAPU8,
U16: dcgpModule.HEAPU16,
U32: dcgpModule.HEAPU32,
F32: dcgpModule.HEAPF32,
F64: dcgpModule.HEAPF64,
function getExports(dcgpModule) {
const bindingKeys = Object.keys(dcgpModule)
// emscripten prefixes exports with an underscore
.filter(key => key.startsWith('_'))
// remove the underscore
.map(key => key.substr(1, key.length))
// remove keys with more than one underscore
.filter(key => !key.startsWith('_'))
const exports = {
stackSave: dcgpModule.stackSave,
stackAlloc: dcgpModule.stackAlloc,
stackRestore: dcgpModule.stackRestore,
bindingKeys.forEach(key => {
exports[key] = dcgpModule[`_${key}`]
return exports
function internalInitialise(moduleObject) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
DcgpModule(moduleObject).then(dcgpModule => {
// prevent an infinite loop:
delete dcgpModule.then
* @returns {boolean} if the dcgp dcgpModule is initialised
export function isInitialised() {
return !!privateGlobalInstance
* Initialises the WebAssembly backend.
* Needs to be called and fininished before any other methodes or classes can be used.
* If no fileLocation is provided it assumes that the dcgp.wasm file is in the same directory as the dcgp.(umd|es).js file
* @async
* @param {string} fileLocation either the wasm
export async function initialise(fileLocation) {
if (isInitialised()) {
const locateFile = fileLocation
? (path, prefix) => {
if (path.endsWith('.wasm')) {
return fileLocation
// keep default behaviour for non wasm files
return prefix + path
: undefined
const dcgpModule = await internalInitialise({ locateFile })
const memory = getTypedMemory(dcgpModule)
const exports = getExports(dcgpModule)
privateGlobalInstance = { memory, exports }