Base BGL topology ================= .. versionadded:: 2.11 *#include * .. cpp:namespace-push:: pagmo .. cpp:class:: base_bgl_topology This class provides the basic building blocks to implement user-defined topologies (UDTs) based on the Boost Graph Library (BGL). Note that, by itself, this class does **not** satisfy all the requirements of a UDT. Specifically, this class is missing the mandatory ``push_back()`` member function, which has to be implemented in a derived class (see :cpp:class:`~pagmo::is_udt` for the full list of requirements a UDT must satisfy). This class provides a strong thread safety guarantee: any member function can be invoked concurrently with any other member function. .. seealso:: .. cpp:function:: base_bgl_topology() Default constructor. The default constructor will initialize an empty graph with no vertices and no edges. .. cpp:function:: base_bgl_topology(const base_bgl_topology &) .. cpp:function:: base_bgl_topology(base_bgl_topology &&) noexcept .. cpp:function:: base_bgl_topology &operator=(const base_bgl_topology &) .. cpp:function:: base_bgl_topology &operator=(base_bgl_topology &&) noexcept :cpp:class:`~pagmo::base_bgl_topology` is copy/move constructible, and copy/move assignable. Copy construction/assignment will perform deep copies, move operations will leave the moved-from object in an unspecified but valid state. :exception unspecified: when performing copy operations, any exception raised by the copy of the underlying graph object. .. cpp:function:: std::size_t num_vertices() const :return: the number of vertices in the topology. .. cpp:function:: bool are_adjacent(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const Check if two vertices are adjacent. Two vertices *i* and *j* are adjacent if there is a directed edge connecting *i* to *j*. :param i: the first vertex index. :param j: the second vertex index. :return: ``true`` if *i* and *j* are adjacent, ``false`` otherwise. :exception std\:\:invalid_argument: if *i* or *j* are not smaller than the number of vertices. :exception unspecified: any exception thrown by the public BGL API. .. cpp:function:: std::pair, vector_double> get_connections(std::size_t i) const Fetch the edges connecting to *i*. This function will return a pair of vectors of equal size, containing: * the list of all vertices connecting to *i*, * the weights of the edges. :param i: the vertex index. :return: the list of connections to *i*. :exception std\:\:invalid_argument: if *i* is not smaller than the number of vertices. :exception unspecified: any exception thrown by the public BGL API. .. cpp:function:: double get_edge_weight(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const .. versionadded:: 2.15 Fetch the weight of the edge connecting *i* to *j*. :param i: the source vertex index. :param j: the destination vertex index. :return: the weight of the edge connecting *i* to *j*. :exception std\:\:invalid_argument: if either: * *i* or *j* are not smaller than the number of vertices, * *i* and *j* are not adjacent. :exception unspecified: any exception thrown by the public BGL API. .. cpp:function:: void add_vertex() Add a vertex. This function will add a new vertex to the topology. The newly-added vertex will be disjoint from any other vertex in the topology (i.e., there are no connections to/from the new vertex). :exception unspecified: any exception thrown by the public BGL API. .. cpp:function:: void add_edge(std::size_t i, std::size_t j, double w = 1) Add a new edge. This function will add a new edge of weight *w* connecting *i* to *j*. :param i: the first vertex index. :param j: the second vertex index. :param w: the edge's weight. :exception std\:\:invalid_argument: if either: * *i* or *j* are not smaller than the number of vertices, * *i* and *j* are already adjacent, * *w* is not in the :math:`\left[0, 1\right]` range. :exception unspecified: any exception thrown by the public BGL API. .. cpp:function:: void remove_edge(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) Remove an existing edge. This function will remove the edge connecting *i* to *j*. :param i: the first vertex index. :param j: the second vertex index. :exception std\:\:invalid_argument: if either: * *i* or *j* are not smaller than the number of vertices, * *i* and *j* are not adjacent. :exception unspecified: any exception thrown by the public BGL API. .. cpp:function:: void set_weight(std::size_t i, std::size_t j, double w) Set the weight of an edge. This function will set to *w* the weight of the edge connecting *i* to *j*. :param i: the first vertex index. :param j: the second vertex index. :param w: the desired weight. :exception std\:\:invalid_argument: if either: * *i* or *j* are not smaller than the number of vertices, * *i* and *j* are not adjacent, * *w* is not in the :math:`\left[0, 1\right]` range. :exception unspecified: any exception thrown by the public BGL API. .. cpp:function:: void set_all_weights(double w) This function will set the weights of all edges in the topology to *w*. :param w: the edges' weight. :exception std\:\:invalid_argument: if *w* is not in the :math:`\left[0, 1\right]` range. :exception unspecified: any exception thrown by the public BGL API. .. cpp:function:: std::string get_extra_info() const :return: a string containing human-readable information about the topology. :exception unspecified: any exception thrown by the public BGL API. .. cpp:function:: bgl_graph_t to_bgl() const .. versionadded:: 2.15 Convert to a BGL graph. :return: a copy of the internal graph object used to represent the topology. :exception unspecified: any exception thrown by the public BGL API. .. cpp:namespace-pop::