Installation guide


pagmo_plugins_nonfree is a header-only library which has the following third-party dependencies:

  • Boost, mandatory, version 1.61.0 minimum. Headers and the compiled libraries boost_system and boost_filesystem are needed.

  • pagmo, mandatory, header-only

After making sure the dependencies above are installed in your system, you can download the pagmo source code from the GitHub release page. Alternatively, and if you like living on the bleeding edge, you can get the very latest version of pagmo via the git command:

git clone

Once you are in pagmo_plugin_nonfree’s source tree, you must configure your build using cmake. This will allow you to enable support for optional dependencies, configure the install destination, etc. When done, you can install pagmo_plugin_nonfree via the command

make install

The headers will be installed in the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/include directory.


The Python module corresponding to pagmo_plugin_nonfree is called pygmo_plugin_nonfree. pygmo_plugin_nonfree has some runtime Python dependencies:

  • pygmo, the pygmo package

  • NumPy, the standard Python array library

  • cloudpickle, a package that extends Python’s serialization capabilities.

There are various options for the installation of pygmo_plugin_nonfree:

The following table summarizes the pros and cons of the various installation methods:


Linux Py 2.7

Linux Py 3.x

OSX Py 2.7

OSX Py 3.x

Win Py 2.7

Win Py 3.x










64bit (MinGW)

64bit (MinGW)






32/64bit (MinGW)


In general, we recommend the use of conda: in addition to making the installation of pygmo easy, it also provides user-friendly access to a wealth of packages from the scientific Python ecosystem. Conda is a good default choice in Linux and OSX.

In order to provide a better experience to our Windows users, we also publish pip packages for pygmo built with MinGW. The pip packages are also available on Linux for those users who might prefer pip to conda, but they are not available on OSX.

Finally, it is always possible to compile pygmo_plugin_nonfree from source. This is the most flexible and powerful option, but of course also the least user-friendly.

Installation from source

pygmo_plugin_nonfree has the following dependencies:

  • pagmo (i.e., the C++ headers of the pagmo library need to be installed before attempting to compile pygmo),

  • pygmo (i.e., the C++ headers of pygmo need to be installed before attempting to compile pygmo_plugin_nonfree. these can be obtained activating the PAGMO_BUILD_PYGMO option of the pagmo build system),

  • Boost.Python

  • Boost.System

  • Boost.Filesystem

  • NumPy (note that NumPy’s development headers must be installed as well).

To build the module from source you need to activate the PAGMO_PLUGINS_NONFREE_BUILD_PYTHON cmake option. Check carefully what Python version and what libraries/include paths are detected (in particular, on systems with multiple Python versions it can happen that CMake detects the headers from a Python version and the Python library from another version). The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable will be used to construct the final location of headers and Python module after install.

When done, type (in your build directory):

make install