Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
ackley.cpp | |
ackley.h | |
adj_list_serialize_bug_fix.hpp | |
ageing_clustered_ba.cpp | |
ageing_clustered_ba.h | |
algorithms.h | |
antibodies_problem.cpp | |
antibodies_problem.h | |
archipelago.cpp | |
archipelago.h | |
Astro_Functions.cpp | |
Astro_Functions.h | |
barabasi_albert.cpp | |
barabasi_albert.h | |
algorithm/base.cpp | |
migration/base.cpp | |
problem/base.cpp | |
topology/base.cpp | |
util/hv_algorithm/base.cpp | |
algorithm/base.h | |
migration/base.h | |
problem/base.h | |
topology/base.h | |
util/hv_algorithm/base.h | |
base_dtlz.cpp | |
base_dtlz.h | |
base_gsl.cpp | |
base_gsl.h | |
base_island.cpp | |
base_island.h | |
base_meta.h | |
base_nlopt.cpp | |
base_nlopt.h | |
base_r_policy.cpp | |
base_r_policy.h | |
base_s_policy.cpp | |
base_s_policy.h | |
base_stochastic.cpp | |
base_stochastic.h | |
base_tsp.cpp | |
base_tsp.h | |
base_unc_mo.cpp | |
base_unc_mo.h | |
bee_colony.cpp | |
bee_colony.h | |
best_kill_s_policy.cpp | |
best_kill_s_policy.h | |
best_s_policy.cpp | |
best_s_policy.h | |
bf_approx.cpp | |
bf_approx.h | |
bf_fpras.cpp | |
bf_fpras.h | |
branin.cpp | |
branin.h | |
bukin_f6.cpp | |
bukin_f6.h | |
cassini_1.cpp | |
cassini_1.h | |
cassini_2.cpp | |
cassini_2.h | |
cec2006.cpp | |
cec2006.h | |
cec2009.cpp | |
cec2009.h | |
cec2013.cpp | |
cec2013.h | |
clustered_ba.cpp | |
clustered_ba.h | |
cmaes.cpp | |
cmaes.h | |
con2mo.cpp | |
con2mo.h | |
con2uncon.cpp | |
con2uncon.h | |
config.h | |
util/config.h | |
cs.cpp | |
cs.h | |
algorithm/cstrs_co_evolution.cpp | |
problem/cstrs_co_evolution.cpp | |
algorithm/cstrs_co_evolution.h | |
problem/cstrs_co_evolution.h | |
cstrs_core.cpp | |
cstrs_core.h | |
cstrs_immune_system.cpp | |
cstrs_immune_system.h | |
algorithm/cstrs_self_adaptive.cpp | |
problem/cstrs_self_adaptive.cpp | |
algorithm/cstrs_self_adaptive.h | |
problem/cstrs_self_adaptive.h | |
custom.cpp | |
custom.h | |
de.cpp | |
de.h | |
de_1220.cpp | |
de_1220.h | |
death_penalty.cpp | |
death_penalty.h | |
decompose.cpp | |
decompose.h | |
dejong.cpp | |
dejong.h | |
discrepancy.cpp | |
discrepancy.h | |
dtlz.cpp | |
dtlz.h | |
earth_planet.cpp | |
earth_planet.h | |
erdos_renyi.cpp | |
erdos_renyi.h | |
exceptions.h | |
fair_r_policy.cpp | |
fair_r_policy.h | |
firefly.cpp | |
firefly.h | |
fon.cpp | |
fon.h | |
fpl.cpp | |
fpl.h | |
fully_connected.cpp | |
fully_connected.h | |
golomb_ruler.cpp | |
golomb_ruler.h | |
griewank.cpp | |
griewank.h | |
gsl_bfgs.cpp | |
gsl_bfgs.h | |
gsl_bfgs2.cpp | |
gsl_bfgs2.h | |
gsl_derivative_free.cpp | |
gsl_derivative_free.h | |
gsl_fr.cpp | |
gsl_fr.h | |
gsl_gradient.cpp | |
gsl_gradient.h | |
gsl_init.cpp | |
gsl_init.h | |
gsl_nm.cpp | |
gsl_nm.h | |
gsl_nm2.cpp | |
gsl_nm2.h | |
gsl_nm2rand.cpp | |
gsl_nm2rand.h | |
gsl_pr.cpp | |
gsl_pr.h | |
gtoc5_flyby.cpp | |
gtoc5_flyby.h | |
gtoc5_launch.cpp | |
gtoc5_launch.h | |
gtoc5_rendezvous.cpp | |
gtoc5_rendezvous.h | |
gtoc5_self_flyby.cpp | |
gtoc5_self_flyby.h | |
gtoc_1.cpp | |
gtoc_1.h | |
gtoc_2.cpp | |
gtoc_2.h | |
himmelblau.cpp | |
himmelblau.h | |
hoy.cpp | |
hoy.h | |
fpl_cpp_original/hv.c | |
hv4d_cpp_original/hv.c | |
fpl_cpp_original/hv.h | |
hv4d_cpp_original/hv.h | |
hv2d.cpp | |
hv2d.h | |
hv3d.cpp | |
hv3d.h | |
hv4d.cpp | |
hv4d.h | |
hv_best_s_policy.cpp | |
hv_best_s_policy.h | |
hv_fair_r_policy.cpp | |
hv_fair_r_policy.h | |
hv_greedy_r_policy.cpp | |
hv_greedy_r_policy.h | |
hv_greedy_s_policy.cpp | |
hv_greedy_s_policy.h | |
hypercube.cpp | |
hypercube.h | |
hypervolume.cpp | |
hypervolume.h | |
identity.cpp | |
identity.h | |
ihs.cpp | |
ihs.h | |
inventory.cpp | |
inventory.h | |
inverover.cpp | |
inverover.h | |
ipopt.cpp | |
ipopt.h | |
ipopt_problem.cpp | |
ipopt_problem.h | |
island.cpp | |
island.h | |
jde.cpp | |
jde.h | |
kur.cpp | |
kur.h | |
Lambert.cpp | |
Lambert.h | |
laplace.cpp | |
laplace.h | |
lavor_maculan.cpp | |
lavor_maculan.h | |
lennard_jones.cpp | |
lennard_jones.h | |
levy5.cpp | |
levy5.h | |
luksan_vlcek_1.cpp | |
luksan_vlcek_1.h | |
luksan_vlcek_2.cpp | |
luksan_vlcek_2.h | |
luksan_vlcek_3.cpp | |
luksan_vlcek_3.h | |
main.cpp | |
mbh.cpp | |
mbh.h | |
mde_pbx.cpp | |
mde_pbx.h | |
messenger.cpp | |
messenger.h | |
messenger_full.cpp | |
messenger_full.h | |
mga.cpp | |
mga.h | |
mga_1dsm_alpha.cpp | |
mga_1dsm_alpha.h | |
mga_1dsm_tof.cpp | |
mga_1dsm_tof.h | |
mga_dsm.cpp | |
mga_dsm.h | |
mga_incipit.cpp | |
mga_incipit.h | |
mga_incipit_cstrs.cpp | |
mga_incipit_cstrs.h | |
mga_part.cpp | |
mga_part.h | |
mga_target_event.cpp | |
mga_target_event.h | |
michalewicz.cpp | |
michalewicz.h | |
migration.h | |
misc4Tandem.cpp | |
misc4Tandem.h | |
moea_d.cpp | |
moea_d.h | |
monte_carlo.cpp | |
monte_carlo.h | |
mpi_environment.cpp | |
mpi_environment.h | |
mpi_island.cpp | |
mpi_island.h | |
ms.cpp | |
ms.h | |
neighbourhood.cpp | |
neighbourhood.h | |
nlopt_aug_lag.cpp | |
nlopt_aug_lag.h | |
nlopt_aug_lag_eq.cpp | |
nlopt_aug_lag_eq.h | |
nlopt_bobyqa.cpp | |
nlopt_bobyqa.h | |
nlopt_cobyla.cpp | |
nlopt_cobyla.h | |
nlopt_mma.cpp | |
nlopt_mma.h | |
nlopt_sbplx.cpp | |
nlopt_sbplx.h | |
nlopt_slsqp.cpp | |
nlopt_slsqp.h | |
nn_tsp.cpp | |
nn_tsp.h | |
noisy.cpp | |
noisy.h | |
normalized.cpp | |
normalized.h | |
nsga2.cpp | |
nsga2.h | |
nspso.cpp | |
nspso.h | |
null.cpp | |
null.h | |
one_way_ring.cpp | |
one_way_ring.h | |
p_exceptions.h | |
pade.cpp | |
pade.h | |
pagmo.h | |
pan.cpp | |
pan.h | |
Pl_Eph_An.cpp | |
Pl_Eph_An.h | |
pol.cpp | |
pol.h | |
population.cpp | |
population.h | |
PowSwingByInv.cpp | |
PowSwingByInv.h | |
pressure_vessel.cpp | |
pressure_vessel.h | |
problems.h | |
propagateKEP.cpp | |
propagateKEP.h | |
pso.cpp | |
pso.h | |
pso_generational.cpp | |
pso_generational.h | |
pso_generational_racing.cpp | |
pso_generational_racing.h | |
race_algo.cpp | |
race_algo.h | |
race_pop.cpp | |
race_pop.h | |
racing.cpp | |
racing.h | |
random_r_policy.cpp | |
random_r_policy.h | |
random_s_policy.cpp | |
random_s_policy.h | |
rastrigin.cpp | |
rastrigin.h | |
rim.cpp | |
rim.h | |
ring.cpp | |
ring.h | |
rng.cpp | |
rng.h | |
robust.cpp | |
robust.h | |
rosenbrock.cpp | |
rosenbrock.h | |
rosetta.cpp | |
rosetta.h | |
rotated.cpp | |
rotated.h | |
sa_corana.cpp | |
sa_corana.h | |
sagas.cpp | |
sagas.h | |
sample_return.cpp | |
sample_return.h | |
scaled.cpp | |
scaled.h | |
sch.cpp | |
sch.h | |
schwefel.cpp | |
schwefel.h | |
sea.cpp | |
sea.h | |
serialization.h | |
set_get_params.cpp | |
sga.cpp | |
sga.h | |
sga_gray.cpp | |
sga_gray.h | |
shifted.cpp | |
shifted.h | |
sms_emoa.cpp | |
sms_emoa.h | |
snfilewrapper_PAGMO.c | |
snfilewrapper_PAGMO.h | |
snopt.cpp | |
snopt.h | |
snopt_PAGMO.h | |
snopt_toyprob.cpp | |
snopt_toyprob.h | |
snoptProblem_PAGMO.cpp | |
snoptProblem_PAGMO.h | |
spea2.cpp | |
spea2.h | |
spheres.cpp | |
spheres.h | |
spheres_q.cpp | |
spheres_q.h | |
string_match.cpp | |
string_match.h | |
tandem.cpp | |
tandem.h | |
taylor_fixedthrust.cpp | |
taylor_fixedthrust.h | |
tens_comp_string.cpp | |
tens_comp_string.h | |
time2distance.cpp | |
time2distance.h | |
topologies.h | |
tsp.cpp | |
tsp.h | |
tsp_cs.cpp | |
tsp_cs.h | |
tsp_ds.cpp | |
tsp_ds.h | |
tsp_vrplc.cpp | |
tsp_vrplc.h | |
types.h | |
unconnected.cpp | |
unconnected.h | |
vega.cpp | |
vega.h | |
watts_strogatz.cpp | |
watts_strogatz.h | |
welded_beam.cpp | |
welded_beam.h | |
wfg.cpp | |
wfg.h | |
worhp.cpp | |
worhp.h | |
worhp_param_serialization.h | |
worst_r_policy.cpp | |
worst_r_policy.h | |
zdt.cpp | |
zdt.h | |
ZeroFinder.h | |