



The model is the heart of the Polyhedral Gravity Model since it contains the the two major classes:

The class polyhedralGravity::Polyhedron stores the mesh and density information and governs the compliance with Tsoulis et al.’s gravity model’s preconditions It ensures that all plane unit normals of a constructed Polyhedron are consistently pointing polyhedralGravity::NormalOrientation::OUTWARDS or polyhedralGravity::NormalOrientation::INWARDS. Depending on the value of polyhedralGravity::PolyhedronIntegrity, these constraints are either enforced by modifying input mesh data or by throwing an std::invalid_argument exception. For this purpose, it uses the Möller–Trumbore intersection algorithm.

The class polyhedralGravity::GravityEvaluable is provides as a way to perform the evaluation of the polyhedral gravity model repeatedly without the need to re-initialize the polyhedron and the gravity model as caching is performed. It takes a polyhedralGravity::Polyhedron and provides an polyhedralGravity::GravityEvaluable::operator()() to evaluate the model at computation point(s) \(P\) optionally using parallelization. A polyhedralGravity::GravityModel::evaluate() summarizes the functionality polyhedralGravity::GravityEvaluable, but does not provide any caching throughout multiple calls.


class Polyhedron#

Data structure containing the model data of one polyhedron. This includes nodes, edges (faces) and elements. The index always starts with zero!

Public Functions

Polyhedron(const std::vector<Array3> &vertices, const std::vector<IndexArray3> &faces, double density, const NormalOrientation &orientation = NormalOrientation::OUTWARDS, const PolyhedronIntegrity &integrity = PolyhedronIntegrity::AUTOMATIC)#

Generates a polyhedron from nodes and faces.


ASSERTS PRE-CONDITION that the in the indexing in the faces vector starts with zero!

  • vertices – a vector of nodes

  • faces – a vector of faces containing the formation of faces off vertices

  • density – the density of the polyhedron (it must match the unit of the mesh, e.g., mesh in \([m]\) requires density in \([kg/m^3]\))

  • orientation – specify if the plane unit normals point outwards or inwards (defaults: to OUTWARDS)

  • integrity – specify if the mesh input is checked/ healed to fulfill the constraints of Tsoulis’ algorithm (see PolyhedronIntegrity)

  • std::invalid_argument – if no face contains the node zero indicating mathematical index

  • std::invalid_argument – dpending on the integrity flag

Polyhedron(const PolyhedralSource &polyhedralSource, double density, const NormalOrientation &orientation = NormalOrientation::OUTWARDS, const PolyhedronIntegrity &integrity = PolyhedronIntegrity::AUTOMATIC)#

Generates a polyhedron from nodes and faces.


ASSERTS PRE-CONDITION that the in the indexing in the faces vector starts with zero!

  • polyhedralSource – a tuple of vector containing the nodes and trianglular faces.

  • density – the density of the polyhedron (it must match the unit of the mesh, e.g., mesh in \([m]\) requires density in \([kg/m^3]\))

  • orientation – specify if the plane unit normals point outwards or inwards (defaults: to OUTWARDS)

  • integrity – specify if the mesh input is checked/ healed to fulfill the constraints of Tsoulis’ algorithm (see PolyhedronIntegrity)

  • std::invalid_argument – if no face contains the node zero indicating mathematical index

  • std::invalid_argument – dpending on the integrity flag

Polyhedron(const PolyhedralFiles &polyhedralFiles, double density, const NormalOrientation &orientation = NormalOrientation::OUTWARDS, const PolyhedronIntegrity &integrity = PolyhedronIntegrity::AUTOMATIC)#

Generates a polyhedron from nodes and faces.


ASSERTS PRE-CONDITION that the in the indexing in the faces vector starts with zero!

  • polyhedralFiles – a list of files (see TetgenAdapter

  • density – the density of the polyhedron (it must match the unit of the mesh, e.g., mesh in \([m]\) requires density in \([kg/m^3]\))

  • orientation – specify if the plane unit normals point outwards or inwards (defaults: to OUTWARDS)

  • integrity – specify if the mesh input is checked/ healed to fulfill the constraints of Tsoulis’ algorithm (see PolyhedronIntegrity)

  • std::invalid_argument – if no face contains the node zero indicating mathematical index

  • std::invalid_argument – dpending on the integrity flag

Polyhedron(const std::variant<PolyhedralSource, PolyhedralFiles> &polyhedralSource, double density, const NormalOrientation &orientation = NormalOrientation::OUTWARDS, const PolyhedronIntegrity &integrity = PolyhedronIntegrity::AUTOMATIC)#

Generates a polyhedron from nodes and faces. This constructor using a variant is maninly utilized from the Python Interface.


ASSERTS PRE-CONDITION that the in the indexing in the faces vector starts with zero!

  • polyhedralSource – a list of files (see TetgenAdapter or a tuple of vector containing the nodes and trianglular faces.

  • density – the density of the polyhedron (it must match the unit of the mesh, e.g., mesh in \([m]\) requires density in \([kg/m^3]\))

  • orientation – specify if the plane unit normals point outwards or inwards (defaults: to OUTWARDS)

  • integrity – specify if the mesh input is checked/ healed to fulfill the constraints of Tsoulis’ algorithm (see PolyhedronIntegrity)

  • std::invalid_argument – if no face contains the node zero indicating mathematical index

  • std::invalid_argument – dpending on the integrity flag

~Polyhedron() = default#

Default destructor

const std::vector<Array3> &getVertices() const#

Returns the vertices of this polyhedron


vector of cartesian coordinates

const Array3 &getVertex(size_t index) const#

Returns the vertex at a specific index


index – size_t


cartesian coordinates of the vertex at index

size_t countVertices() const#

The number of points (nodes) that make up the polyhedron.


a size_t

const std::vector<IndexArray3> &getFaces() const#

Returns the triangular faces of this polyhedron


vector of triangular faces, where each element size_t references a vertex in the vertices vector

const IndexArray3 &getFace(size_t index) const#

Returns the indices of the vertices making up the face at the given index.


index – size_t


triplet of the vertic’es indices forming the face

Array3Triplet getResolvedFace(size_t index) const#

Returns the resolved face with its concrete cartesian coordinates at the given index.


index – size_t


triplet of vertices’ cartesian coordinates

size_t countFaces() const#

Returns the number of faces (triangles) that make up the polyhedral.


a size_t

double getDensity() const#

Returns the constant density of this polyhedron.


the constant density a double

void setDensity(double density)#

Sets the density to a new value. The density’s unit must match to the scaling of the mesh.


density – the new constant density of the polyhedron

NormalOrientation getOrientation() const#

Returns the orientation of the plane unit normals of this polyhedron



double getOrientationFactor() const#

Retruns the plane unit normal orientation factor. If the unit normals are outwards pointing, it is 1.0 as Tsoulis inteneded. If the unit normals are inwards pointing, it is -1.0 (reversed).


1.0 or -1.0 depending on plane unit orientation

std::string toString() const#

Returns a string representation of the Polyhedron. Mainly used for the representation method in the Python interface.


string representation of the Polyhedron

std::tuple<std::vector<Array3>, std::vector<IndexArray3>, double, NormalOrientation> getState() const#

Returns the internal data strcuture of Python pickle support.


tuple of vertices, faces, density and normal orientation

inline auto transformIterator(const Array3 &offset = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}) const#

An iterator transforming the polyhedron’s coordinates on demand by a given offset. This function returns a pair of transform iterators (first = begin(), second = end()).


offset – the offset to apply


pair of transform iterators

std::pair<NormalOrientation, std::set<size_t>> checkPlaneUnitNormalOrientation() const#

This method determines the majority vertex ordering of a polyhedron and the set of faces which violate the majority constraint and need to be adpated. Hence, if the set is empty, all faces obey to the returned ordering/ plane unit normal orientation.


a pair consisting of majority ordering (OUTWARDS or INWARDS pointing normals) and a set of face indices which violate the constraint

enum class polyhedralGravity::NormalOrientation : char#

The orientation of the plane unit normals of the polyhedron. We use this property as the concret definition of the vertices ordering depends on the utilized cooridnate system. However, the normal alignement is independent. Tsoulis et al. equations require the normals to point outwards of the polyhedron. If the opposite hold, the result is negated.


enumerator OUTWARDS#

Outwards pointing plane unit normals

enumerator INWARDS#

Inwards pointing plane unit normals

enum class polyhedralGravity::PolyhedronIntegrity : char#

The three mode the poylhedron class takes in the constructor in order to determine what initilaization checks to conduct. This enum is exclusivly utilized in the constrcutor of a Polyhedron and its private method runIntegrityMeasures


enumerator DISABLE#

All activities regarding MeshChecking are disabled. No runtime overhead!

enumerator VERIFY#

Only verification of the NormalOrientation. A misalignment (e.g. specified OUTWARDS, but is not) leads to a runtime_error. Runtime Cost O(n^2)

enumerator AUTOMATIC#

Like VERIFY, but also informs the user about the option in any case on the runtime costs. This is the implicit default option. Runtime Cost: O(n^2) and output to stdout in every case!

enumerator HEAL#

Verification and Autmatioc Healing of the NormalOrientation. A misalignemt does not lead to a runtime_error, but to an internal correction. Runtime Cost: O(n^2) and a modification of the mesh input!


class GravityEvaluable#

Class for evaluating the polyhedrale gravity model for a given constant density polyhedron. Caches the polyhedron and data which is independent of the computation point P. Provides an operator() for evaluating the polyhedrale gravity model for a given constant density polyhedron at computation point P and choosing between parallel and serial evaluation.

Public Functions

inline explicit GravityEvaluable(const Polyhedron &polyhedron)#

Instantiates a GravityEvaluable with a given constant density polyhedron. In contrast to the GravityModel::evaluate, this evaluate method on the GravityEvaluable caches intermediate results and input data and subsequent evaluations will be faster.


polyhedron – the constant density polyhedron

inline GravityEvaluable(const Polyhedron &polyhedron, const std::vector<Array3Triplet> &segmentVectors, const std::vector<Array3> &planeUnitNormals, const std::vector<Array3Triplet> &segmentUnitNormals)#

Instantiates a GravityEvaluable with a given constant density polyhedron and caches. This is for restoring a GravityEvaluable from a previous state.

  • polyhedron – the polyhedron

  • segmentVectors – the segment vectors

  • planeUnitNormals – the plane unit normals

  • segmentUnitNormals – the segment unit normals

inline std::variant<GravityModelResult, std::vector<GravityModelResult>> operator()(const std::variant<Array3, std::vector<Array3>> &computationPoints, bool parallelization = true) const#

Evaluates the polyhedrale gravity model for a given constant density polyhedron at computation point P. Wrapper for evaluate<parallelization>.

  • computationPoints – the computation point P or multiple computation points in a vector

  • parallelization – if true, the calculation is parallelized


the GravityModelResult containing the potential, acceleration and second derivative

std::string toString() const#

Returns a string representation of the GravityEvaluable.


string representation of the GravityEvaluable

std::tuple<Polyhedron, std::vector<Array3Triplet>, std::vector<Array3>, std::vector<Array3Triplet>> getState() const#

Returns the polyhedron, the density and the internal caches.


tuple of polyhedron, density, segmentVectors, planeUnitNormals and segmentUnitNormals

namespace GravityModel#

Namespace containing the methods used to evaluate the polyhedrale Gravity Model


Naming scheme corresponds to the following: evaluate() –> main Method for evaluating the gravity model *() –> Methods calculating one property for the evaluation


GravityModelResult evaluate(const Polyhedron &polyhedron, const Array3 &computationPoint, bool parallel)#

Evaluates the polyhedrale gravity model for a given constant density polyhedron at computation point P.

  • polyhedron – the polyhedron consisting of vertices and triangular faces

  • computationPoint – the computation Point P

  • parallel – whether to evaluate in parallel or serial


the GravityModelResult containing the potential, the acceleration and the change of acceleration at computation Point P

std::vector<GravityModelResult> evaluate(const Polyhedron &polyhedron, const std::vector<Array3> &computationPoints, bool parallel)#

Evaluates the polyhedral gravity model for a given constant density polyhedron at multiple computation points.

  • polyhedron – the polyhedron consisting of vertices and triangular faces

  • computationPoints – vector of computation points

  • parallel – whether to evaluate in parallel or serial


the GravityModelResult containing the potential, the acceleration and the change of acceleration foreach computation Point P

namespace detail#


Array3Triplet buildVectorsOfSegments(const Array3 &vertex0, const Array3 &vertex1, const Array3 &vertex2)#

Computes the segment vectors G_ij for one plane of the polyhedron according to Tsoulis (18). The segment vectors G_ij represent the vector from one vertex of the face to the neighboring vertex and depict every line segment of the triangular face (A-B-C)

  • vertex0 – the first vertex A

  • vertex1 – the second vertex B

  • vertex2 – the third vertex C


the segment vectors for a plane

Array3 buildUnitNormalOfPlane(const Array3 &segmentVector1, const Array3 &segmentVector2)#

Computes the plane unit normal N_p for one plane p of the polyhedron according to Tsoulis (19). The plane unit normal is the outward pointing normal of the face from the polyhedron.

  • segmentVector1 – first edge

  • segmentVector2 – second edge


plane unit normal

Array3Triplet buildUnitNormalOfSegments(const Array3Triplet &segmentVectors, const Array3 &planeUnitNormal)#

Computes the segment unit normals n_pq for one plane p of the polyhedron according to Tsoulis (20). The segment unit normal n_pq represent the normal of one line segment of a polyhedrale face.

  • segmentVectors – the segment vectors of the face G_p(0-2)

  • planeUnitNormal – the plane unit normal N_p


segment unit normals n_pq for plane p with q = {0, 1, 2}

double computeUnitNormalOfPlaneDirection(const Array3 &planeUnitNormal, const Array3 &vertex0)#

Computes the plane unit normal orientation/ direction sigma_p for one plane p of the polyhedron according to Tsoulis (21). The plane unit normal orientation values represents the relative position of computation point P with respect to the pointing direction of N_p. E. g. if N_p points to the half-space containing P, the inner product of N_p and -G_i1 will be positive, leading to a negative sigma_p. If sigma_p is zero than P and P’ lie geometrically in the same plane –> P == P’.

  • planeUnitNormal – the plane unit normal N_p

  • vertex0 – the first vertex of the plane


plane normal orientation

HessianPlane computeHessianPlane(const Array3 &p, const Array3 &q, const Array3 &r)#
double distanceBetweenOriginAndPlane(const HessianPlane &hessianPlane)#

Calculates the (plane) distances h_p of computation point P to the plane S_p given in Hessian Form according to the following equation: h_p = D / sqrt(A^2+B^2+C^2)


hessianPlane – Hessian Plane Form of S_p


plane distance h_p

Array3 projectPointOrthogonallyOntoPlane(const Array3 &planeUnitNormal, double planeDistance, const HessianPlane &hessianPlane)#

Computes P’ for a given plane p according to equation (22) of Tsoulis paper. P’ is the orthogonal projection of the computation point P onto the plane S_p.

  • planeUnitNormal – the plane unit normal N_p

  • planeDistance – the distance from P to the plane h_p

  • hessianPlane – the Hessian Plane Form


P’ for this plane

Array3 computeUnitNormalOfSegmentsDirections(const Array3Triplet &vertices, const Array3 &projectionPointOnPlane, const Array3Triplet &segmentUnitNormalsForPlane)#

Computes the segment normal orientations/ directions sigma_pq for a given plane p. If sigma_pq is negative, this denotes that n_pq points to the half-plane containing P’. Nn case sigma_pq is positive, P’ resides in the other half-plane and if sigma_pq is zero, then P’ lies directly on the segment pq.

  • vertices – the vertices of this plane

  • projectionPointOnPlane – the projection point P’ for this plane

  • segmentUnitNormalsForPlane – the segment unit normals sigma_pq for this plane


the segment normal orientations for the plane p

Array3Triplet projectPointOrthogonallyOntoSegments(const Array3 &projectionPointOnPlane, const Array3 &segmentNormalOrientations, const Array3Triplet &face)#

Computes the orthogonal projection Points P’’ foreach segment q of a given plane p.

  • projectionPointOnPlane – the projection Point P’

  • segmentNormalOrientations – the segment normal orientations sigma_pq for this plane p

  • face – the vertices of the plane p


the orthogonal projection points of P on the segment P’’ foreach segment q of p

Array3 projectPointOrthogonallyOntoSegment(const Array3 &vertex1, const Array3 &vertex2, const Array3 &orthogonalProjectionPointOnPlane)#

Calculates the point P’’ for a given Segment consisting of vertices v1 and v2 and the orthogonal projection point P’ for the plane consisting of those vertices. Solves the three equations given in (24), (25) and (26).


If sigma_pq is zero then P’’ == P’, this is not checked by this method, but has to be assured first

  • vertex1 – first endpoint of segment

  • vertex2 – second endpoint of segment

  • orthogonalProjectionPointOnPlane – the orthogonal projection P’ of P on this plane


P’’ for this segment

Array3 distancesBetweenProjectionPoints(const Array3 &orthogonalProjectionPointOnPlane, const Array3Triplet &orthogonalProjectionPointOnSegments)#

Computes the (segment) distances h_pq between P’ for a given plane p and P’’ for a given segment q of plane p.

  • orthogonalProjectionPointOnPlane – the orthogonal projection point P’ for p

  • orthogonalProjectionPointOnSegments – the orthogonal projection points P’’ for each segment q of p


distances h_pq for plane p

std::array<Distance, 3> distancesToSegmentEndpoints(const Array3Triplet &segmentVectorsForPlane, const Array3Triplet &orthogonalProjectionPointsOnSegmentForPlane, const Array3Triplet &face)#

Computes the 3D distances l1_pq and l2_pq between the computation point P and the line segment endpoints of each polyhedral segment for one plane. Computes the 1D distances s1_pq and s2_pq between orthogonal projection of P on the line segment P’’_pq and the line segment endpoints for each polyhedral segment for one plane

  • segmentVectorsForPlane – the segment vectors G_pq for plane p

  • orthogonalProjectionPointsOnSegmentForPlane – the orthogonal projection Points P’’ for plane p

  • face – the vertices of plane p


distances l1_pq and l2_pq and s1_pq and s2_pq foreach segment q of plane p

std::array<TranscendentalExpression, 3> computeTranscendentalExpressions(const std::array<Distance, 3> &distancesForPlane, double planeDistance, const Array3 &segmentDistancesForPlane, const Array3 &segmentNormalOrientationsForPlane, const Array3 &projectionPointVertexNorms)#

Calculates the Transcendental Expressions LN_pq and AN_pq for every line segment of the polyhedron for a given plane p. LN_pq is calculated according to (14) using the natural logarithm and AN_pq is calculated according to (15) using the arctan.

  • distancesForPlane – the distances l1, l2, s1, s2 foreach segment q of plane p

  • planeDistance – the plane distance h_p for plane p

  • segmentDistancesForPlane – the segment distance h_pq for segment q of plane p

  • segmentNormalOrientationsForPlane – the segment normal orientations n_pq for a plane p

  • orthogonalProjectionPointOnPlane – the orthogonal projection point P’ for plane p

  • face – the vertices of plane p


LN_pq and AN_pq foreach segment q of plane p

std::pair<double, Array3> computeSingularityTerms(const Array3Triplet &segmentVectorsForPlane, const Array3 &segmentNormalOrientationForPlane, const Array3 &projectionPointVertexNorms, const Array3 &planeUnitNormal, double planeDistance, double planeNormalOrientation)#

Calculates the singularities (correction) terms according to the Flow text for a given plane p.

  • segmentVectorsForPlane – the segment vectors for a given plane

  • segmentNormalOrientationForPlane – the segment orientation sigma_pq

  • projectionPointVertexNorms – the projection point P’

  • planeUnitNormal – the plane unit normal N_p

  • planeDistance – the plane distance h_p

  • planeNormalOrientation – the plane normal orientation sigma_p

  • face – the vertices of plane p


the singularities for a plane p

Array3 computeNormsOfProjectionPointAndVertices(const Array3 &orthogonalProjectionPointOnPlane, const Array3Triplet &face)#

Computes the L2 norms of the orthogonal projection point P’ on a plane p with each vertex of that plane p. The values are later used to determine if P’ is situated at a vertex.

  • orthogonalProjectionPointOnPlane – the orthogonal projection point P’

  • face – the vertices of plane p


the norms of p and each vertex

Named Tuple#

struct Distance#

Contains the 3D distances l1_pq and l2_pq between P and the endpoints of segment pq and the 1D distances s1_pq and s2_pq between P’’ and the segment endpoints.


This struct is basically a named tuple

Public Functions

inline bool operator==(const Distance &rhs) const#

Checks two Distance structs for equality with another one by ensuring that the members are almost equal.


Just used for testing purpose


rhs – the other Distance struct


true if equal

inline bool operator!=(const Distance &rhs) const#

Checks two Distance structs for inequality with another one by ensuring that the members are not almost equal.


Just used for testing purpose


rhs – the other Distance struct


false if unequal

Public Members

double l1#

the 3D distance between computation point P and the first endpoint of line segment pq

double l2#

the 3D distance between computation point P and the second endpoint of line segment pq

double s1#

the 1D distance between projection of the computation point on line segment pq and the first endpoint of line segment pq

double s2#

the 1D distance between projection of the computation point on line segment pq and the second endpoint of line segment pq


inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Distance &distance)#

Pretty prints this struct on the given ostream.

  • os – ostream

  • distance – a Distance struct



struct TranscendentalExpression#

Contains the Transcendental Expressions LN_pq and AN_pq for a given line segment pq of the polyhedron.


This struct is basically a named tuple

Public Functions

inline bool operator==(const TranscendentalExpression &rhs) const#

Checks two TranscendentalExpressions for equality with another one by ensuring that the members are almost equal.


Just used for testing purpose


rhs – the other TranscendentalExpressions


true if equal

inline bool operator!=(const TranscendentalExpression &rhs) const#

Checks two TranscendentalExpressions for inequality with another one by ensuring that the members are not almost equal.


Just used for testing purpose


rhs – the other TranscendentalExpressions


false if unequal

Public Members

double ln#

The LN values for plane p and segment q of this plane is calculated in the following way: LN_pq = ln ((s_2_pq + l_2_pq) / (s_1_pq + l_1_pq))


see Tsoulis Paper Equation (14)

double an#

The AN values for plane p and segment q of this plane is calculated in the following way: AN_pq = arctan ((h_p * s_2_pq) / (h_pq * l_2_pq)) - arctan ((h_pq * s_1_pq) / (h_pq * l_1_pq))


see Tsoulis Paper Equation (15)


inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TranscendentalExpression &expression)#

Pretty output of this struct on the given ostream.



struct HessianPlane#

A struct describing a plane in Hessian Normal Form: ax + by + cz + d = 0 where a,b,c are the plane’s normal and d as the signed distance to the plane from the origin along the normal.

Public Functions

inline bool operator==(const HessianPlane &rhs) const#

Checking the equality of two this Hessian Plane with another one by ensuring that the members are almost equal.


Just used for testing purpose


rhs – other HessianPlane


true if equal

inline bool operator!=(const HessianPlane &rhs) const#

Checking the inequality of two this Hessian Plane with another one by ensuring that the members are not almost equal.


Just used for testing purpose


rhs – other HessianPlane


true if unequal

Public Members

double a#

part of the planes normal [a, b, c]

double b#

part of the panes normal [a, b, c]

double c#

part of the planes normal [a, b, c]

double d#

the signed distance to the plane from the origin along the normal


inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const HessianPlane &hessianPlane)#

Pretty output of this struct on the given ostream.

