Examples C++#

Details about mesh and input units can be found in Quick Start (C++ & Python).

As Executable#


After the build, the gravity model can be run by executing:

./polyhedralGravity <YAML-Configuration-File>

where the YAML-Configuration-File contains the required parameters. Examples for Configuration Files and Polyhedral Source Files can be found in this repository in the folder /example-config/.

Config File#

The configuration should look similar to the given example below. It is required to specify the source-files of the polyhedron’s mesh (more info about the supported files below), the density of the polyhedron, and the wished computation points where the gravity tensor shall be computed. Further one must specify the name of the .csv output file.

    polyhedron: #polyhedron source-file(s)
      - "../example-config/data/tsoulis.node"   # .node contains the vertices
      - "../example-config/data/tsoulis.face"   # .face contains the triangular faces
    density: 2670.0                             # constant density, units must match with the mesh (see section below)
    points: # Location of the computation point(s) P
      - [ 0, 0, 0 ]                             # Here it is situated at the origin
    check_mesh: true                            # Fully optional, enables mesh autodetect+repair of
                                                # the polyhedron's vertex ordering (not given: true)
    filename: "gravity_result.csv"              # The name of the output file

Have a look at Supported Polyhedron Source Files to view the available options for polyhedral input.

As Library#

The following paragraph gives some examples on how to use the polyhedral model as library from within source code (All examples with using namespace polyhedralGravity).

Individual Function (without caching)#

Example 1: Evaluating the gravity model for a given polyhedron defined from within source code for a specific point and density. Further, we disable the parallelization using the optional fourth parameter (which defaults to true) and we check the if the plane unit normals are actually outwards pointing (costing \(O(n^2)\)).

// Defining every input parameter in the source code
std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> vertices = ...
std::vector<std::array<size_t, 3>> faces = ...
double density = ...
std::array<double, 3> point = ...

// Returns either a single of vector of results
// Here, we only have one point. Thus we get a single result
Polyhedron polyhedron{vertices, faces, density, NormalOrientation::OUTWARDS, PolyhedronIntegrity::VERIFY};
const auto[pot, acc, tensor] = GravityModel::evaluate(polyhedron, point, false);

Example 2: Evaluating the gravity model for a given polyhedron in some source files for a specific point and density. Further, we explicitly enable the parallelization using the optional fourth parameter (which defaults to true). We disable the \(O(n^2)\) check if the plane unit normals are actually outwards pointing.

// Reading just the polyhedral source from file,
// whereas the rest is defined within source-code
auto files = std::vector<std::string>{"tsoulis.node", "tsoulis.face"};
double density = ...
std::array<double, 3> point = ...

// Returns either a single of vector of results
// Here, we only have one point. Thus we get a single result
Polyhedron polyhedron{files, density, NormalOrientation::OUTWARDS, PolyhedronIntegrity::DISABLE};
const auto[pot, acc, tensor] = GravityModel::evaluate(polyhedron, point, true);

Example 3: Evaluating the gravity model for a given configuration from a .yaml file.

// Reading the configuration from a yaml file
std::shared_ptr<ConfigSource> config = std::make_shared<YAMLConfigReader>("config.yaml");
auto polyhedralSource = config->getDataSource()->getPolyhedralSource();
double density = config->getDensity();
PolyhedronIntegrity checkPolyhedralInput = config->getMeshInputCheckStatus() ? PolyhedronIntegrity::HEAL : PolyhedronIntegrity::DISABLE;
// This time, we use multiple points
std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> points = config->getPointsOfInterest();

// Returns either a single of vector of results
// Here, we have multiple point. Thus we get a vector of results!
Polyhedron polyhedron{polyhedralSource, density, NormalOrientation::OUTWARDS, checkPolyhedralInput};
const results = GravityModel::evaluate(polyhedron, points);

Example 4: If our Polyhedron contains any inconsistencies in the definition, e.g., some plane unit normals point outwards and some point inwards, the HEAL option will fix the NormalOrientation and any inconsistencies related to it. It won’t throw an exception. The result will always be fine.

// Reading the configuration from a yaml file
std::shared_ptr<ConfigSource> config = std::make_shared<YAMLConfigReader>("config.yaml");
auto polyhedralSource = config->getDataSource()->getPolyhedralSource();
double density = config->getDensity();
std::array<double, 3> point = config->getPointsOfInterest()[0];

Polyhedron polyhedron{polyhedralSource, density, NormalOrientation::OUTWARDS, PolyhedronIntegrity::HEAL};
const auto[pot, acc, tensor] = GravityModel::evaluate(polyhedron, point);

GravityEvaluable (with caching)#

Evaluating the gravity model for a given polyhedron defined from within source code for a specific point and density.

// Defining every input parameter in the source code
std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> vertices = ...
std::vector<std::array<size_t, 3>> faces = ...
Polyhedron polyhedron{vertices, faces};
double density = ...
Polyhedron polyhedron{vertices, faces, density, NormalOrientation::OUTWARDS, PolyhedronIntegrity::DISABLE};

// Our computation points
std::array<double, 3> point = ...
std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> points = ...

// Instantiation of the GravityEvaluable object
GravityEvaluable evaluable{polyhedron};

// From now, we can evaluate the gravity model for any point with
const auto[pot, acc, tensor] = evaluable(point);
// or for multiple points with
const auto results = evaluable(points);
// and we can also disable e.g. the parallelization like for the free function
const auto singleResultTuple = evaluable(point, false);