
Installation with conda#

The python interface can be easily installed with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge polyhedral-gravity-model

The python package on conda is parallelized with OpenMP. It is currently available for all operating systems (macOS, Linux, Windows), but only for x86_64 systems. Have a look at the Installation with pip. It also provides wheels for aarch64.

Installation with pip#

As a second option, you can also install the python interface with pip from PyPi:

pip install polyhedral-gravity

Binaries for the most common platforms are available on PyPI including Windows, Linux and macOS. For macOS and Linux, binaries for x86_64 and aarch64 are provided. In case pip uses the source distribution, please make sure that you have a C++17 capable compiler and CMake installed.

Installation & Build from source#

All these steps require a working C/C++ Compiler and CMake to be installed.

Build Python Package#

Use pip to install the python interface in your local python runtime. The module will be build using CMake. Just execute in repository root:

pip install .

To modify the build options (like parallelization) have a look at the Build Options for an overview of options. The pip installation will call CMake. To modify build options, just set them as environment variable before executing the pip install . command, e.g.:


Build C++ library/ executable#

The C++ implementation relies on CMake as build system. The requirements (see below) are set-up automatically during the build process. Use the instructions below to build the project, from the repository’s root directory:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. <options>
cmake --build .

Have a look at Build Options for an overview of options available for the CMake build.

Build Options#

The available options are the following:

Name (Default)



CPP = Serial Execution / OMP or TBB = Parallel Execution with OpenMP or Intel’s TBB




Build this documentation


Build the Tests


Build the Python interface

Dependencies (automatically set-up)#

Dependencies (all of them are automatically set-up via CMake):

  • GoogleTest (1.15.2 or compatible), only required for testing

  • spdlog (1.13.0 or compatible), required for logging

  • tetgen (1.6 or compatible), required for I/O

  • yaml-cpp (0.8.0 or compatible), required for I/O

  • thrust (2.1.0 or compatible), required for parallelization and utility

  • xsimd (11.1.0 or compatible), required for vectorization of the atan(..)

  • pybind11 (2.12.0 or compatible), required for the Python interface, but not the C++ standalone