Supported Polyhedron Source Files

Supported Polyhedron Source Files#

The implementation supports multiple common mesh formats for the polyhedral source. These include:

File Suffix



.node and .face

TetGen’s files

These two files need to be given as a pair to the input. Documentation of TetGen’s files


Medit’s mesh files

Single file containing every needed mesh information.


The Polygon File format/ Stanfoard Triangle format

Single file containing every needed mesh information. Blender File Format.


Object File Format

Single file containing every needed mesh information.


Stereolithography format

Single file containing every needed mesh information. Blender File Format.

Notice! Only the ASCII versions of those respective files are supported! This is especially important for e.g. the .ply files which also can be in binary format.

Good tools to convert your Polyhedron to a supported format (also for interchanging ASCII and binary format) are e.g.: