Fully connected#
New in version 2.11.
#include <pagmo/topologies/fully_connected.hpp>

class fully_connected#
This user-defined topology (UDT) represents a complete graph (that is, a topology in which all vertices connect to all other vertices). The edge weight is configurable at construction, and it will be the same for all the edges in the topology.
Default constructor.
Equivalent to the constructor from edge weight with w = 1.
explicit fully_connected(double w)#
Constructor from edge weight.
Equivalent to the constructor from number of vertices n = 0 and edge weight w.
- Parameters
w – the weight of the edges.
- Throws
std::invalid_argument – if w is not in the \(\left[0, 1\right]\) range.
explicit fully_connected(std::size_t n, double w)#
Constructor from number of vertices and edge weight.
This constructor will initialise a
topology with n vertices and whose edges will all have a weight of w.- Parameters
n – the desired number of vertices.
w – the weight of the edges.
- Throws
std::invalid_argument – if w is not in the \(\left[0, 1\right]\) range.
fully_connected(const fully_connected&)#
fully_connected(fully_connected&&) noexcept#
is copy and move constructible.
void push_back()#
Add a new vertex.
std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, vector_double> get_connections(std::size_t i) const#
Get the list of connections to the i-th vertex.
- Parameters
i – the index of the vertex whose connections will be returned.
- Returns
the list of vertices connecting to the i-th vertex (that is, all vertices apart from i itself) and the corresponding edge weights.
- Throws
std::invalid_argument – if i is not smaller than the current size of the topology.
std::string get_name() const#
- Returns
"Fully connected"
std::string get_extra_info() const#
- Returns
a human-readable string containing additional info about this topology.
double get_weight() const#
- Returns
the weight w used when constructing this topology.
std::size_t num_vertices() const#
- Returns
the number of vertices in the topology.
bgl_graph_t to_bgl() const#
New in version 2.15.
Convert to a BGL graph.
The graph representation of a fully connected topology requires \(\operatorname{O}\left( n^2 \right)\) memory in the number of vertices. Be careful when invoking this function on large topologies.
- Returns
a complete graph representing
.- Throws
unspecified – any exception thrown by the public BGL API.