Island class#

class pygmo.island(**kwargs)#

Island class.

In the pygmo jargon, an island is a class that encapsulates the following entities:

Through the UDI, the island class manages the asynchronous evolution (or optimisation) of its population via the algorithm’s evolve() method. Depending on the UDI, the evolution might take place in a separate thread (e.g., if the UDI is a thread_island), in a separate process (e.g., if the UDI is a mp_island) or even in a separate machine (e.g., if the UDI is a ipyparallel_island). The evolution is always asynchronous (i.e., running in the “background”) and it is initiated by a call to the evolve() method. At any time the user can query the state of the island and fetch its internal data members. The user can explicitly wait for pending evolutions to conclude by calling the wait() and wait_check() methods. The status of ongoing evolutions in the island can be queried via the status attribute.

The replacement and selection policies are used when the island is part of an archipelago. They establish how individuals are selected and replaced from the island when migration across islands occurs within the archipelago. If the island is not part of an archipelago, the replacement and selection policies play no role.

Typically, pygmo users will employ an already-available UDI in conjunction with this class (see here for a full list), but advanced users can implement their own UDI types. A user-defined island must implement the following method:

def run_evolve(self, algo, pop):

The run_evolve() method of the UDI will use the input algorithm’s evolve() method to evolve the input population and, once the evolution is finished, it will return the algorithm used for the evolution and the evolved population.

In addition to the mandatory run_evolve() method, a UDI may implement the following optional methods:

def get_name(self):
def get_extra_info(self):

See the documentation of the corresponding methods in this class for details on how the optional methods in the UDI are used by island.

Note that, due to the asynchronous nature of island, a UDI has certain requirements regarding thread safety. Specifically, run_evolve() is always called in a separate thread of execution, and consequently:

  • multiple UDI objects may be calling their own run_evolve() method concurrently,

  • in a specific UDI object, any method from the public API of the UDI may be called while run_evolve() is running concurrently in another thread. Thus, UDI writers must ensure that actions such as copying the UDI, calling the optional methods (such as get_name()), etc. can be safely performed while the island is evolving.

An island can be initialised in a variety of ways using keyword arguments:

  • if the arguments list is empty, a default island is constructed, containing a thread_island UDI, a null_algorithm algorithm, an empty population with problem type null_problem, and default-constructed r_policy and s_policy;

  • if the arguments list contains algo, pop and, optionally, udi, r_pol and s_pol, then the constructor will initialise an island containing the specified algorithm, population, UDI and replacement/selection policies. If r_pol and/or s_pol are not supplied, the replacement/selection policies will be default-constructed. If the udi parameter is not supplied, the UDI type is chosen according to a heuristic which depends on the platform, the Python version and the supplied algo and pop parameters:

    • if algo and pop’s problem provide at least the basic thread_safety guarantee, then thread_island will be selected as UDI type;

    • otherwise, if the current platform is Windows or the Python version is at least 3.4, then mp_island will be selected as UDI type, else ipyparallel_island will be chosen;

  • if the arguments list contains algo, prob, size and, optionally, udi, b, seed, r_pol and s_pol, then a population will be constructed from prob, size, b and seed, and the construction will then proceed in the same way detailed above (i.e., algo and the newly-created population are used to initialise the island’s algorithm and population, the UDI, if not specified, will be chosen according to the heuristic detailed above, and the replacement/selection policies are given by r_pol and s_pol).

If the keyword arguments list is invalid, a KeyError exception will be raised.

This class is the Python counterpart of the C++ class pagmo::island.

Keyword Arguments
  • udi – a user-defined island, either Python or C++

  • algo – a user-defined algorithm (either Python or C++), or an instance of algorithm

  • pop (population) – a population

  • prob – a user-defined problem (either Python or C++), or an instance of problem

  • b – a user-defined batch fitness evaluator (either Python or C++), or an instance of bfe

  • size (int) – the number of individuals

  • r_pol – a user-defined replacement policy (either Python or C++), or an instance of r_policy

  • s_pol – a user-defined selection policy (either Python or C++), or an instance of s_policy

  • seed (int) – the random seed (if not specified, it will be randomly-generated)

  • KeyError – if the set of keyword arguments is invalid

  • unspecified – any exception thrown by the invoked C++ constructors, the deep copy of the UDI, the constructors of algorithm and population, failures at the intersection between C++ and Python (e.g., type conversion errors, mismatched function signatures, etc.)


Launch evolution.

This method will evolve the island’s population using the island’s algorithm. The evolution happens asynchronously: a call to evolve() will create an evolution task that will be pushed to a queue, and then return immediately. The tasks in the queue are consumed by a separate thread of execution managed by the island object. Each task will invoke the run_evolve() method of the UDI n times consecutively to perform the actual evolution. The island’s algorithm and population will be updated at the end of each run_evolve() invocation. Exceptions raised inside the tasks are stored within the island object, and can be re-raised by calling wait_check().

If the island is part of an archipelago, then migration of individuals to/from other islands might occur. The migration algorithm consists of the following steps:

  • before invoking run_evolve() on the UDI, the island will ask the archipelago if there are candidate incoming individuals from other islands If so, the replacement policy is invoked and the current population of the island is updated with the migrants;

  • run_evolve() is then invoked and the current population is evolved;

  • after run_evolve() has concluded, individuals are selected in the evolved population and copied into the migration database of the archipelago for future migrations.

It is possible to call this method multiple times to enqueue multiple evolution tasks, which will be consumed in a FIFO (first-in first-out) fashion. The user may call wait() or wait_check() to block until all tasks have been completed, and to fetch exceptions raised during the execution of the tasks. The status attribute can be used to query the status of the asynchronous operations in the island.


n (int) – the number of times the run_evolve() method of the UDI will be called within the evolution task (this corresponds also to the number of times migration can happen, if the island belongs to an archipelago)

  • IndexError – if the island is part of an archipelago and during migration an invalid island index is used (this can happen if the archipelago’s topology is malformed)

  • OverflowError – if n is negative or larger than an implementation-defined value

  • unspecified – any exception thrown by the public interface of archipelago, the public interface of the replacement/selection policies, the underlying C++ method, or by failures at the intersection between C++ and Python (e.g., type conversion errors, mismatched function signatures, etc.)


Extract the user-defined island.

This method allows to extract a reference to the user-defined island (UDI) stored within this island instance. The behaviour of this function depends on the value of t (which must be a type) and on the type of the internal UDI:

  • if the type of the UDI is t, then a reference to the UDI will be returned (this mirrors the behaviour of the corresponding C++ method pagmo::island::extract()),

  • if t is object and the UDI is a Python object (as opposed to an exposed C++ island), then a reference to the UDI will be returned (this allows to extract a Python UDI without knowing its type),

  • otherwise, None will be returned.


t (type) – the type of the user-defined island to extract


a reference to the internal user-defined island, or None if the extraction fails


TypeError – if t is not a type


>>> import pygmo as pg
>>> i1 = pg.island(, prob=pg.rosenbrock(), size=20, udi=pg.thread_island())
>>> i1.extract(pg.thread_island) 
<pygmo.core.thread_island at 0x7f8e478e1210>
>>> i1.extract(pg.mp_island) is None
>>> class isl:
...     def run_evolve(self, algo, pop):
...         return algo, pop
>>> i2 = pg.island(, prob=pg.rosenbrock(), size=20, udi=isl())
>>> i2.extract(object) 
<__main__.isl at 0x7f8e478261d0>
>>> i2.extract(isl) 
<__main__.isl at 0x7f8e478261d0>
>>> i2.extract(pg.thread_island) is None

Get the algorithm.

It is safe to call this method while the island is evolving.


a copy of the island’s algorithm

Return type



unspecified – any exception thrown by the underlying C++ method


Island’s extra info.

If the UDI provides a get_extra_info() method, then this method will return the output of its get_extra_info() method. Otherwise, an empty string will be returned.

It is safe to call this method while the island is evolving.


extra info about the UDI

Return type



unspecified – any exception thrown by the get_extra_info() method of the UDI


Island’s name.

If the UDI provides a get_name() method, then this method will return the output of its get_name() method. Otherwise, an implementation-defined name based on the type of the UDI will be returned.

It is safe to call this method while the island is evolving.


the name of the UDI

Return type



unspecified – any exception thrown by the get_name() method of the UDI


Get the population.

It is safe to call this method while the island is evolving.


a copy of the island’s population

Return type



unspecified – any exception thrown by the underlying C++ method


Get the replacement policy.


a copy of the current replacement policy

Return type



Get the selection policy.


a copy of the current selection policy

Return type



Check the type of the user-defined island.

This method returns False if extract(t) returns None, and True otherwise.


t (type) – the type that will be compared to the type of the UDI


whether the UDI is of type t or not

Return type



unspecified – any exception thrown by extract()


Set the algorithm.

It is safe to call this method while the island is evolving.


algo (algorithm) – the algorithm that will be copied into the island


unspecified – any exception thrown by the underlying C++ method


Set the population.

It is safe to call this method while the island is evolving.


pop (population) – the population that will be copied into the island


unspecified – any exception thrown by the underlying C++ method

property status#

Status of the island.

This read-only property will return an evolve_status flag indicating the current status of asynchronous operations in the island. The flag will be:

  • idle if the island is currently not evolving and no exceptions were thrown by evolution tasks since the last call to wait_check();

  • busy if the island is evolving and no exceptions have (yet) been thrown by evolution tasks since the last call to wait_check();

  • idle_error if the island is currently not evolving and at least one evolution task threw an exception since the last call to wait_check();

  • busy_error if the island is currently evolving and at least one evolution task has already thrown an exception since the last call to wait_check().

Note that after a call to wait_check(), status will always return idle, and after a call to wait(), status will always return either idle or idle_error.


a flag indicating the current status of asynchronous operations in the island

Return type



This method will block until all the evolution tasks enqueued via evolve() have been completed. Exceptions thrown by the enqueued tasks can be re-raised via wait_check(): they will not be re-thrown by this method. Also, contrary to wait_check(), this method will not reset the status of the island: after a call to wait(), status will always return either the idle or idle_error evolve_status.


Block until evolution ends and re-raise the first stored exception.

If one task enqueued after the last call to wait_check() threw an exception, the exception will be re-thrown by this method. If more than one task enqueued after the last call to wait_check() threw an exception, this method will re-throw the exception raised by the first enqueued task that threw, and the exceptions from all the other tasks that threw will be ignored.

Note that wait_check() resets the status of the island: after a call to wait_check(), status will always return the idle evolve_status.


unspecified – any exception thrown by evolution tasks or by the underlying C++ method