Use of the class archipelago#


The archipelago class is the main parallelization engine of pygmo. It essentially is a container of island able to initiate evolution (optimization tasks) in each island asynchronously while keeping track of the results and of the information exchange (migration) between the tasks (via the generalized island model). The various island in an archipelago can be heterogeneous and refer to different UDAs, UDPs and UDIs.

In this tutorial we will show how to use an archipelago to run in parallel several optimization tasks defined in a UDP. So let us start defining our UDP. We will here define a single objective problem with one equality and one inequality constraint. The problem in itself is not important for the purpose of this tutorial. Its mathematical definition is:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \mbox{minimize: } & \sum_i x_i \\ \mbox{subject to:} & -1 \le x_i \le 1, i = 1..n \\ & \sum_i x_i^2 = 1 \\ & \sum_i x_i \ge 0 \\ \end{array}\end{split}\]

and the optimal value for the objective function is 0. We can write the above problem as a pygmo UDP (see: Coding a simple User Defined Problem and Coding a User Defined Problem with constraints (NLP) to learn how UDPs are defined from Python)

>>> class toy_problem:
...     def __init__(self, dim):
...         self.dim = dim
...     def fitness(self, x):
...         return [sum(x), 1 - sum(x*x), - sum(x)]
...     def gradient(self, x):
...         return pg.estimate_gradient(lambda x:, x) # numerical gradient
...     def get_nec(self):
...         return 1
...     def get_nic(self):
...         return 1
...     def get_bounds(self):
...         return ([-1] * self.dim, [1] * self.dim)
...     def get_name(self):
...         return "A toy problem"
...     def get_extra_info(self):
...         return "\tDimensions: " + str(self.dim)

Now, without further ado, lets use the full power of pygmo and prepare to be shocked:

>>> import pygmo as pg
>>> a_cstrs_sa = pg.algorithm(pg.cstrs_self_adaptive(iters=1000))
>>> p_toy = pg.problem(toy_problem(50))
>>> p_toy.c_tol = [1e-4, 1e-4]
>>> archi = pg.archipelago(n=32,algo=a_cstrs_sa, prob=p_toy, pop_size=70)
>>> print(archi) 
Number of islands: 32
Status: idle

Islands summaries:

    #  Type                    Algo                                Prob           Size  Status
    0  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    idle
    1  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    idle
    2  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    idle
    3  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    idle
    4  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    idle
    5  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    idle
    6  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    idle
    7  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    idle

To instantiate the archipelago we have used the constructor from a problem and algorithm. This leaves to the archi object the task of building the various populations and islands. To do so, several choices are made for the user, starting with the island type. In this case, as seen from the screen printout of the archi object, Multiprocessing islands are being used. To control what islands will assemble an archipelago, the user can instantiate an empty archipelago and use the pygmo.archipelago.push_back() method to insert one by one all the islands.


The island type selected by the archipelago constructor is, in this case, the multiprocessing island, (pygmo.mp_island) as we run this example on py36 and a linux machine. In general, the exact island chosen is platform, population and algorithm dependent and such choice is described in the docs of the island class constructor.

After inspection, let us now run the evolution.

>>> archi.get_champions_f() 
[array([  2.18826798, -26.60899368,  -2.18826798]),
array([  3.39497588, -24.48739141,  -3.39497588]),
array([  2.3240917 , -26.88225527,  -2.3240917 ]),
array([  0.13134093, -28.47299705,  -0.13134093]),
array([  6.53062434, -24.98724057,  -6.53062434]),
array([  1.02894159, -25.69765425,  -1.02894159]),
array([  4.07802374, -23.82020921,  -4.07802374]),
array([  1.71396489, -25.90794514,  -1.71396489]),
>>> archi.evolve() 
>>> print(archi) 
Number of islands: 32
Status: busy

Islands summaries:

    #  Type                    Algo                                Prob           Size  Status
    0  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    busy
    1  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    busy
    2  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    busy
    3  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    busy
    4  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    busy
    5  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    busy
    6  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    busy
    7  Multiprocessing island  Self-adaptive constraints handling  A toy problem  70    busy

Note how the evolution is happening in parallel on 32 separate threads (each one spawning a process, in this case, as a multiprocessing island is used). The evolution happens asynchronously and thus does not interfere directly with our main process. We then have to call the pygmo.archipelago.wait() method to have the main process explicitly wait for all islands to be finished.

>>> archi.wait()
>>> archi.get_champions_f() 
[array([  1.16514064e-02,   4.03450637e-05,  -1.16514064e-02]),
array([ 0.02249111,  0.00392739, -0.02249111]),
array([  6.09564060e-03,  -4.93961313e-05,  -6.09564060e-03]),
array([ 0.01161224, -0.00815189, -0.01161224]),
array([ -1.90431378e-05,   7.65501702e-05,   1.90431378e-05]),
array([ -5.45044897e-05,   5.70199057e-05,   5.45044897e-05]),
array([ 0.00541601, -0.08208163, -0.00541601]),
array([ -6.95677113e-05,  -7.42268924e-05,   6.95677113e-05]),
array([ 0.00335729,  0.00684969, -0.00335729]),

Different islands produce different results, in this case, as the various populations and algorithms where constructed using random seeds.


The use of the UDA cstrs_self_adaptive is here only chosen to keep the various threads occupied, most likely other local algorithm would, in this case, be a superior choice.

Managing exceptions#

What happens if, during the optimization task sent to an island, an exception happens? This question is already explored in the island tutorial and since an archipelago is, basically, a container for multiple island here we will overlap with part of that tutorial, exploring exceptions thrown in the archipelago context.

To show how pygmo handles these situations we use the fake problem below throwing as soon as 300 fitness evaluations are made.

>>> class raise_exception:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.counter=0;
...     def fitness(self,dv):
...         if self.counter == 300:
...             raise
...         self.counter += 1
...         return [0]
...     def get_bounds(self):
...         return ([0],[1])
...     def get_name(self):
...         return "A throwing UDP"

Let us now instantiate and run a archipelago:

>>> archi = pg.archipelago(n = 5, algo = pg.simulated_annealing(Ts = 10, Tf = 0.1, n_T_adj  = 40), prob = raise_exception(), pop_size = 20)
>>> archi.evolve() 
>>> archi.wait()
>>> print(archi) 
Number of islands: 5
Status: idle - **error occurred**

Islands summaries:

    #  Type                    Algo                            Prob            Size  Status
    0  Multiprocessing island  Simulated Annealing (Corana's)  A throwing UDP  20    idle - **error occurred**
    1  Multiprocessing island  Simulated Annealing (Corana's)  A throwing UDP  20    idle - **error occurred**
    2  Multiprocessing island  Simulated Annealing (Corana's)  A throwing UDP  20    idle - **error occurred**
    3  Multiprocessing island  Simulated Annealing (Corana's)  A throwing UDP  20    idle - **error occurred**
    4  Multiprocessing island  Simulated Annealing (Corana's)  A throwing UDP  20    idle - **error occurred**

The print statment allows us to visually see that errors occured in all islands (each one is containing a copy of the problem and thus starts at 0 fitness evaluations to then hit the 300 fevals triggering the raise statement). We do not know at this stage what happened exactly as the exception is thrown on a separate thread/process and thus its hidden from our main scope. To inspect what happened we can write:

>>> archi.wait_check() 
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-d8562cc51573> in <module>()
----> 1 archi.wait_check()

RuntimeError: The asynchronous evolution of a pythonic island of type 'Multiprocessing island' raised an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dario/miniconda3/envs/pagmo/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/", line 119, in worker
    result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
File "/home/dario/miniconda3/envs/pagmo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pygmo/", line 40, in _evolve_func
    return algo.evolve(pop)
File "<ipython-input-19-f5ede4c63180>", line 6, in fitness
RuntimeError: No active exception to reraise

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dario/miniconda3/envs/pagmo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pygmo/", line 128, in run_evolve
    return res.get()
File "/home/dario/miniconda3/envs/pagmo/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/", line 608, in get
    raise self._value
RuntimeError: No active exception to reraise

which will rethrow the first encountered exception and reset all the island states to idle.