Coding a simple User Defined Problem#

While pagmo provides a number of UDPs (see List of problems) to help you test your own optimization strategy or user defined algorithm, the possibility to write your own UDP is at the core of pygmo’s use. In this tutorial we will show how to code a UDP. Remember that UDPs are classes that can be used to construct a problem which, in turn, is what an algorithm can solve. See Use of the class algorithm and Use of the class problem to learn the use of these core classes.

We encourage the user to read the documentation of the class problem to have a detailed list of methods that can be, or have to be, implemented in a UDP. To start simple we consider the simple problem of minimizing the two dimensional sphere function.

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \mbox{minimize: } & x_1^2+x_2^2 \\ \mbox{subject to:} & -1 \le x_i \le 1, i = 1..2 \end{array}\end{split}\]


In pagmo minimization is always assumed and should you need to maximize some objective function, just put a minus sign in front of that objective.

>>> class sphere_function:
...     def fitness(self, x):
...         return [sum(x*x)]
...     def get_bounds(self):
...         return ([-1,-1],[1,1])

The two mandatory methods you must implement in your class are fitness(self, x) and get_bounds(self). The problem dimension will be inferred by the return value of the second, while the actual fitness of decision vectors will be computed calling the first method and passing as argument x as a NumPy array. It is important to remember that x is a NumPy array, so that the NumPy array arithmetic applies in the body of fitness(). Note also how to define a UDP we do not need to inherit from some other pygmo related class. Since we do not define, in this case, any other method pygmo will assume a single objective, no constraints, no gradients etc…

Let’s now build a problem from our new UDP.

>>> import pygmo as pg
>>> prob = pg.problem(sphere_function())

That’s easy! To inspect what type of problem pygmo has detected from our UDP we may print on screen:

>>> print(prob) 
Problem name: <class 'sphere_function'>
    C++ class name: ...

    Global dimension:                       2
    Integer dimension:                      0
    Fitness dimension:                      1
    Number of objectives:                   1
    Equality constraints dimension:         0
    Inequality constraints dimension:       0
    Lower bounds: [-1, -1]
    Upper bounds: [1, 1]
    Has batch fitness evaluation: false

    Has gradient: false
    User implemented gradient sparsity: false
    Has hessians: false
    User implemented hessians sparsity: false

    Fitness evaluations: 0

    Thread safety: none

Let’s now add some (mild) complexity. We want our UDP to be scalable:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \mbox{minimize: } & \sum_i x_i^2 \\ \mbox{subject to:} & -1 \le x_i \le 1, i = 1..n \end{array}\end{split}\]

and to have a human readable name.

>>> class sphere_function:
...     def __init__(self, dim):
...         self.dim = dim
...     def fitness(self, x):
...         return [sum(x*x)]
...     def get_bounds(self):
...         return ([-1] * self.dim, [1] * self.dim)
...     def get_name(self):
...         return "Sphere Function"
...     def get_extra_info(self):
...         return "\tDimensions: " + str(self.dim)
>>> prob = pg.problem(sphere_function(3))
>>> print(prob) 
Problem name: Sphere Function
    C++ class name: ...

    Global dimension:                       3
    Integer dimension:                      0
    Fitness dimension:                      1
    Number of objectives:                   1
    Equality constraints dimension:         0
    Inequality constraints dimension:       0
    Lower bounds: [-1, -1, -1]
    Upper bounds: [1, 1, 1]
    Has batch fitness evaluation: false

    Has gradient: false
    User implemented gradient sparsity: false
    Has hessians: false
    User implemented hessians sparsity: false

    Fitness evaluations: 0

    Thread safety: none

Extra info:
    Dimensions: 3

Well that was easy, but now have a problem to solve …

>>> algo = pg.algorithm(pg.bee_colony(gen = 20, limit = 20))
>>> pop = pg.population(prob,10)
>>> pop = algo.evolve(pop)
>>> print(pop.champion_f) 
[  3.75822114e-06]

Wow those bees!!

Possible pitfalls#

Well that was nice as it worked like a charm. But the UDP can also be a rather complex class and the chances that it is somehow malformed are high. Let’s see some common mistakes.

>>> class sphere_function:
...     def fitness(self, x):
...         return [sum(x*x)]
>>> pg.problem(sphere_function()) 
NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
NotImplementedError: the mandatory 'get_bounds()' method has not been detected in the user-defined Python problem
'<sphere_function object at 0x1108cad68>' of type '<class 'sphere_function'>': the method is either not present or not callable

Oops, I forgot to implement one of the two mandatory methods. In this case it is not possible to construct a problem and, when we try, we then get a rather helpful error message.

In other cases while the UDP is still malformed, the construction of problem will succeed and the issue will be revealed only when calling the malformed method:

>>> class sphere_function:
...     def fitness(self, x):
...         return sum(x*x)
...     def get_bounds(self):
...         return ([-1,-1],[1,1])
>>> prob = pg.problem(sphere_function())
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
AttributeError: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute '__iter__'

In this case, the issue is that the fitness() method returns a scalar instead of an array-like object (remember that pygmo is also able to solve multi-objective and constrained problems, thus the fitness value must be, in general, a vector). pygmo will complain about the wrong return type the first time the fitness() method is invoked.

Notes on computational speed#

The most performant way to write a UDP is to code it in C++ and expose it to python. Most UDPs that are included in pygmo (see List of problems) are like that. When writing your own UDP, though, it is often quicker and less painful to code, as shown in this tutorial, directly in python. What effect does this have w.r.t. the ideal situation? Well, Let’s see, on a test machine, a simple example: the scalable Rosenbrock function:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \mbox{minimize: } & \sum_{i=1}^{N-1} 100 (x_{i+1} - x_i^2 )^2 + (1-x_i)^2 \\ \mbox{subject to:} & -5 \le x_i \le 10, i = 1..N \end{array}\end{split}\]

which in pygmo can be quickly written as:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> class py_rosenbrock:
...     def __init__(self,dim):
...         self.dim = dim
...     def fitness(self,x):
...         retval = np.zeros((1,))
...         for i in range(len(x) - 1):
...             retval[0] += 100.*(x[i + 1]-x[i]**2)**2+(1.-x[i])**2
...         return retval
...     def get_bounds(self):
...         return (np.full((self.dim,),-5.),np.full((self.dim,),10.))

We now make a quick and dirty profiling instantiating a high dimensional instance of Rosenbrock: 2000 variables!!

>>> prob_python = pg.problem(py_rosenbrock(2000))
>>> prob_cpp = pg.problem(pg.rosenbrock(2000))
>>> dummy_x = np.full((2000,), 1.)
>>> import time
>>> start_time = time.time(); [ for i in range(1000)]; print(time.time() - start_time) 
>>> start_time = time.time(); [ for i in range(1000)]; print(time.time() - start_time) 

wait a minute … really? Python is two orders of magnitude slower than cpp? Do not panic. This is a very large problem and that for loop is not going to be super optimized in python. Let’s see if we can do better in these cases …. Let us use the jit decorator from numba to compile our fitness method into C code.

>>> from numba import jit
>>> class jit_rosenbrock:
...     def __init__(self,dim):
...         self.dim = dim
...     @jit
...     def fitness(self,x):
...         retval = np.zeros((1,))
...         for i in range(len(x) - 1):
...             retval[0] += 100.*(x[i + 1]-x[i]**2)**2+(1.-x[i])**2
...         return retval
...     def get_bounds(self):
...         return (np.full((self.dim,),-5.),np.full((self.dim,),10.))
>>> prob_jit = pg.problem(jit_rosenbrock(2000))
>>> start_time = time.time(); [ for i in range(1000)]; print(time.time() - start_time) 

With a bit more elbow grease, we can further improve performance:

>>> from numba import jit, float64
>>> class jit_rosenbrock2:
...      def fitness(self,x):
...          return jit_rosenbrock2._fitness(x)
...      @jit(float64[:](float64[:]),nopython=True)
...      def _fitness(x):
...          retval = np.zeros((1,))
...          for i in range(len(x) - 1):
...              tmp1 = (x[i + 1]-x[i]*x[i])
...              tmp2 = (1.-x[i])
...              retval[0] += 100.*tmp1*tmp1+tmp2*tmp2
...          return retval
...      def get_bounds(self):
...          return (np.full((self.dim,),-5.),np.full((self.dim,),10.))
...      def __init__(self,dim):
...          self.dim = dim
>>> prob_jit2 = pg.problem(jit_rosenbrock2(2000))
>>> start_time = time.time(); [ for i in range(1000)]; print(time.time() - start_time) 

Much better, right?


For more information on using Numba to speed up your python code see the Numba documentation pages. In particular, note that only a limited part of NumPy and the python language in general is supported by this use.