Evolving a population#
Solving an optimization problem using an optimization algorithm is, in pygmo,
described as evolving a population. In the scientific literature, an interesting
discussion has developed over the past decades on whether evolution is or not a form of
optimization. In pygmo we take the opposite standpoint and we regard optimization,
of all types, as a form of evolution. Regardless on whether you will be using an SQP,
an interior point optimizer or an evolutionary startegy solver, in pygmo you will
always have to call a method called evolve()
to improve over your initial solutions,
i.e. your population.
The simplest way to evolve a population is to use directly the algorithm
method evolve()
>>> import pygmo as pg
>>> # The problem
>>> prob = pg.problem(pg.rosenbrock(dim = 10))
>>> # The initial population
>>> pop = pg.population(prob, size = 20)
>>> # The algorithm (a self-adaptive form of Differential Evolution (sade - jDE variant)
>>> algo = pg.algorithm(pg.sade(gen = 1000))
>>> # The actual optimization process
>>> pop = algo.evolve(pop)
>>> # Getting the best individual in the population
>>> best_fitness = pop.get_f()[pop.best_idx()]
>>> print(best_fitness)

Clearly, as sade
is a stochastic optimization algorithm, should we repeat the
evolution starting from the same population, we would obtain different results. If we
want to monitor multiple runs from different initial populations and see how the final best fitness
is achieved as the number of fitness evaluations increase. Most pygmo UDAs allow to do this
as they maintain an internal log that can be accessed after the UDA has been
extracted (see extract()
). This allows, for example to obtain
plots such as those on the right, where multiple trials are monitored:
>>> # We set the verbosity to 100 (i.e. each 100 gen there will be a log line)
>>> algo.set_verbosity(100)
>>> # We perform an evolution
>>> pop = pg.population(prob, size = 20)
>>> pop = algo.evolve(pop)
Gen: Fevals: Best: F: CR: dx: df:
1 20 135745 0.264146 0.541101 61.4904 2.55547e+06
101 2020 36.7951 0.252116 0.380181 7.01344 179.332
201 4020 4.06502 0.254534 0.740681 6.00596 59.3928
301 6020 2.96096 0.147331 0.790883 0.402499 7.95054
401 8020 2.43639 0.452624 0.922214 5.28217 6.80877
501 10020 1.65288 0.981585 0.975004 1.34442 0.897989
601 12020 1.16901 0.97663 0.783304 1.70733 1.36504
701 14020 0.750577 0.398881 0.922214 2.11136 1.78254
801 16020 0.438464 0.36723 0.960114 1.65512 1.18982
901 18020 0.18011 0.25882 0.932028 2.34781 1.4481
1001 20020 0.0792334 0.412775 0.887402 1.07089 0.211411
1101 22020 0.00875321 0.852287 0.472265 1.17808 0.170671
1201 24020 0.000820125 0.529034 0.633499 0.207262 0.0122566
1301 26020 2.13261e-05 0.176605 0.896106 0.060826 0.000706859
1401 28020 6.06571e-07 0.105885 0.81249 0.00852982 4.93967e-05
Exit condition -- generations = 1500
>>> uda = algo.extract(pg.sade)
>>> log = uda.get_log()
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.semilogy([entry[0] for entry in log],[entry[2]for entry in log], 'k--')
>>> plt.show()